Zecrey Legend Testnet Phase 2 Incentivized
1 year, 11 months ago | 0 RepliesZecrey Legend Testnet Phase 2 Incentivized
👉Link Here :
🟢Step | Register L2 Account (GUNAKAN VPN AGAR BNB KEDITEK)
➡️ Claim Faucet BNB :
➡️Download App :
➡️ Import Pharse Wallet Kalian (Yang Sama Dengan Address Galxe/Khusus Garap Testnet)
➡️ Di App Klik Swith (Tanta Panah 2 Arah)
➡️Pilih Zecrey Legend ¬ Klik Register
➡️ Buat Username Bebas dan Register
🟢Step | L2 Transfer
➡️ Balik Ke Layer 1 => Deposit BNB Ke Layer 2
➡️ di Layer 2 Trasfer ke Usernema.zec
➡️ Atau Kalian Bisa Send ke orangbawah9.zec
🟢Step | Buat Koleksi NFT
➡️ Masih di Layer 2 => Asset => NFT => Create => NFT Collection
➡️ Isi Data Gambar dan nama Bebas => Create Done
🟢Step | Mint NFT
➡️ Masih di Layer 2 => Asset => NFT => Create => NFT Item
➡️ Isi Data Gambar dan nama Bebas => Create Done
🟢Step | BUY NFT
➡️ Market NFT => Cari NFT Yg Murah, Klik dan BUY NFT
🟢Step | SELL NFT
➡️ Klik Asset => Klik NFT lu Terus SELL
➡️ Klik Asset => Klik NFT lu Terus Withdraw
➡️ Ke Layer 1 => Asset => NFT
➡️Complete Data
➡️Fill the from: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeC-8Qb1DIRE3XKmUGPQdzUHSTT5bo4bEZoDKBEqdeOtc0aeA/viewform
➡️Claim this Phase 2 OAT: https://galxe.com/Zecrey/campaign/GCpX8UpFJb
➡️ Zecrey Genesis NFT FCFS: https://app.questn.com/quest/756005762779357520
📖Details Tutorial Kalo Masih Bingung :
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